Monday, January 25, 2010

What Really Happened....

Every One remembers the date September 11th 2001. The day marks the occasion of the collapse of the 2 World Trade Centres. Many people believe the lie put forward by the American Government. The lie used was that Al-queda hijacked 2 planes and flew them into the towers. All the witnesses were sworn to secrecy about what really happened, after pain staking investigation we are going to reveal the truth.

The truth behind what happens is simple America is involved in a secret war against the Galatic Empire. The war started at the start of George Bush's come to power, The Emperor become worried that George Bush would try to kill him as to be the ultimate evil lord in the universe. The 9/11 attack was an attempt to end the war by destroing the Capitol of America but Vader got the locations wrong and blew up the wrong buildings. Since 9.11 bush gave in to the Empire and gave up his chance to take control over the universe.

So as you can tell the Government covered it up because Bush was afraid to admit he lost the war, so he removed all reference to it in modern American History. After the Empire destroyed the first tower GARY MOTHERF*CKING OAK destroyed the other becasue America was weak and it was his best chance to ruin everyones day.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daniel Craig, Armed and Jobless

American Actor Daniel Craig is currently out of work and dangerous, he is trying to get anyone he can to write his next James Bond Film. It has been reported that he has alrady approached several high class writers all who have denied him so he has moved to a new type target.

He has asked Barack Obama, Doctor Phil, and several tpo rated American TV hosts. He is now getting so desperate that he is threating littli children to wirte his scripts and if they do not comply he is taking away there toys and even shooting a few. We advise you if this man comes neat you with pen and paper, run away as fast as you can and don't look back.


You have just been rewarded with your Masters Degree in Cancer Research. In ten minutes you are going to have an interview to get a job of your lifetime with a six digit salary. You'll be able to pay off your student loans no problem. You flip on the TV right before you leave and what do you see? GARY MOTHERF*CKING OAK has just found the cure for Cancer.

This dates back to Pokemon games in the following examples...
You're training on Route 22 for Brock's Gym, your pokemon are tired, and who do you see? GARYMOTHERF*CKING OAK

You just beat Lance, the last one of the Elite Four, with all your revives and healing items used up. In the middle of jamming the A-button, he says you WOULD be the champion, but who has to be in the next room that's so bare it's epic? GARY MOTHERF*CKING OAK

KEVIN 07 Is Sweeping The Nation

Kevin Rudd, a Australian Politican hell bent on becoming the 26th Prime Minister of Australia is getting higher and higher in the polls while his opponet and current Prime Minister John Howard is getting lower and lower. Kevin Rudd's Slogan "Kevin 07" is sweeping around the nation faster than the Victoria Bush Fires. He is more popular by the day while everyone is falling under this Smug little Nerds Smile and allowing him to believe he is the best Politican in all of Australias history. There is a small resistance forming, with the sole agenda to make sure Kevin Rudd stays out of power, the last thing Australia needs is a man who will apoligise to everyone no matter what. Lets us all stand agaisnt him before he gets to popular, he must be stopped, He is the next George Bush and the next Hitler. What we really need is the next Bill Clinton