Sunday, January 24, 2010

KEVIN 07 Is Sweeping The Nation

Kevin Rudd, a Australian Politican hell bent on becoming the 26th Prime Minister of Australia is getting higher and higher in the polls while his opponet and current Prime Minister John Howard is getting lower and lower. Kevin Rudd's Slogan "Kevin 07" is sweeping around the nation faster than the Victoria Bush Fires. He is more popular by the day while everyone is falling under this Smug little Nerds Smile and allowing him to believe he is the best Politican in all of Australias history. There is a small resistance forming, with the sole agenda to make sure Kevin Rudd stays out of power, the last thing Australia needs is a man who will apoligise to everyone no matter what. Lets us all stand agaisnt him before he gets to popular, he must be stopped, He is the next George Bush and the next Hitler. What we really need is the next Bill Clinton

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