Sunday, September 6, 2009

New MMORPG, Outside

The Creator of the Sims franchise today announced his new game called Outside. Its a real life game that everyone can play for free, with great graphics and you can touch, see, smell, hear and taste with in the game. The game offers a huge world to explore and the player is able to make any deision they want about the game.

One of the down sides of the game is that you only get one life so once u die thats it you can no longer play again. All you computure Geeks should try this game as soon as you can.

New Swiss Army Knife

Today it was offically announced that there will be a new Swiss Army Knife. It will include all the origanal features and many new abilities. One of the new feautures is that the Knife will have a small lightsaber on it around about 4 inches long. The tiny lightsaber was inspired from the Star Wars movies, George Lucas has already been paid royalties for his idea. The lightsaber is powered using a tiny generator that draws its power from the people's around it who hate George Bush, their hate fuels it.

Another feature of the New and Improved Swiss Army Knife is that it contains a mini pistol, flamethrower, trip wire, oil slick, transforming abilities, cell phone, ipod and you can order fries with it.

Many countries have already placed orders for it. The Knife is expected to be International in 2 weeks. Australia, America, France, Germany, Russia and Great Britian were the first countries to place orders in huge amounts. Many hail the Knife as a gift from God himself.

In 2 weeks time you all could have your hands on the New Swiss Army Knife, its getting ever closer.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Grover Starts A Blog

Today Grover approached us here at the Public Infortmation Act and asked us to help him with a Blog of his own. We are now proud to report that we are now Grover and The Public Infortmation Act, and we hope that the Grover Chronicles last a long time.

We recently posted a blog about Grover looking for a job, well that is still true his blogging is just part time and he wants a full time jod. All those who find a job for Grover please contact us or him.

Grovers Blog is titled the Grover Chronicles, we wish him all the luck with his Blog and we would also like to inform you that not only will he help us with The Public Infortmation Act, but we will be helping him with the Grover Chronicles.

Go see Grovers Blog,

George Bush, A New Actor

George Bush's life has recently been made into a movie. The movie is titled "American Psycho". It is due to be realesed in late September of this year. Bush plays himself in the moive although he is not very good at the character and it still amazes us all here that he is so bad at playing himself in a moive about himself. The film is set to be realesed all over the world making George Bush an International Actor. The film also focuse's on barack Obama taking over the White House and Presidency of America, and how much it saddend Bush to leave his Office.

There is one main flaw with the movie, it shows George Bush being popular with the American people. American Psycho makes Bush look like he is a Saint or even God, which is proberlly how he see's him self when he looks in the mirror.

The Film seems like a huge waste of money and we advize you all to never ever watch it, it will be 2 hours you will never get back.

The Joker Strikes Again

Today another murder was commited by the infamous Villian, The Joker. This time he murder was a world service, he killed of Curious Georege and his handler. The bodies were discoverd next to a Joker playing card.

Police artists have already made a picture of what they think might of happened at one point during the murder. It is a well drawn picture showing a lot of detail about The Joker. Batman has failed to stop him so far and is reported to have given up after The Joker went to far by calling Batman fat and publicly humilated him by dropping Batmans pants. When Batman was today asked if he would go after The Joker, Batman said, "well no i will not, after all The Joker did what we all wanted to do and i am glad Curious George and his handler are gone," It would appear the Dark Knight is not going to be of any help.

For once we all applaud The Jokers acts but he will still be hunted and the $1,000,000 reward still stands for his capture, so all of you see if you can catch him and earn some more money.

Grover, The Jobless Puppet

Many of you would have grown up watching Grover, the weird but funny blue puppet from Seasme Street, is now jobless. He left Seasme Street 2 years ago after severl confrontations with Elmo. He has had a couple of jobs since Seasme Street some of which is being a Super Hero and a Doctor. While he has tried hard to hold down a job Elmo has a lot of connections and has been making it nearly impossible for Grover to find a long time job.

Many of you who have watched Seasme Street know that some times Grover become Super Grover, well after he quit the street he decided to become Super Grover all the time. He handeled many problems from rescuing cats from trees, taking out trash all the way to almost succeding in capturing the infamous Rudkipz. He even received an award from former President George Bush for helping Bush to open a door,(George was pushing on a pull door). Although Super Grover was doing so well he was soon put out of business, Elmo had Batman and Spiderman take him out of the Super Hero game. Once again he had no job.

Another Job that Grover attempted was to be Doctor Grover. He also appeared in 1 Scrubs episode during season 8. Doctor Grover was considered the next Patch Adams after the way he could make any patient laugh no matter what was wrong with them. He worked at many hospitals and soon become one of the greatest Doctors of all time, although he was a little unhygenic, considering he hardly baths. Grover had many patients one of which was Micheal Jackson just before he died, Grover was the Doctor who prescribed the drugs which actully brought about the death oh Micheal Jackson. All thoughs who want some one to blame for Jacksons death blame Elmo, after all it was Elmos fault that Grover was a Doctor. After a few months as a Doctor Elmo struck again and had Grover charged on trumped up charges, he was found innocent but lost his medical licence.

Now Grover is looking for a new job. If it weren't for Barack Obama being President of America Grover could have taken it, after all he is more popular and smarter than Bush ever was. So if anyone has any jobs going please call Grover immediatly on 040145598