George Bush's life has recently been made into a movie. The movie is titled "American Psycho". It is due to be realesed in late September of this year. Bush plays himself in the moive although he is not very good at the character and it still amazes us all here that he is so bad at playing himself in a moive about himself. The film is set to be realesed all over the world making George Bush an International Actor. The film also focuse's on barack Obama taking over the White House and Presidency of America, and how much it saddend Bush to leave his Office.
There is one main flaw with the movie, it shows George Bush being popular with the American people. American Psycho makes Bush look like he is a Saint or even God, which is proberlly how he see's him self when he looks in the mirror.
The Film seems like a huge waste of money and we advize you all to never ever watch it, it will be 2 hours you will never get back.
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