Friday, August 7, 2009

Antartica, The 7th State

Australia is currently preparing its troops for a new campaign, they plan to capture Antartica. Kevid Rudd also known as the infamous Rudkip has decided that it is time for Australia to do something worthwhile other than creat vegimite. Australia has long had its eyes on Antartica and the only thing that has stopped it from happening before now is that John Howard couldn't see it from under his eyebrows.

Australia's army has been preparing for this since 1901 but has been interupted by things such as WW1, WW2, and other wars not to mention some of Australias Prime Ministers never knew were Antartica was.

As much as we would like Australia to become a big boy we would advise they pick an easier target, after all the Penguins are violent and merciless fighters and are the ones responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union. It would be a shame for Australia to lose its entire army, a better target would be new Zealand which is realtivly close to Australia.

Could anyone imagine Kangaroos bouncing around Antartica or a bbq on the ice, No it is not natural but it would work if Australia decided to attack New Zealand first, then decide to fight the Pengiuns.

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