Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kevin Rudd's Outburst

Today Kevin Rudd attacked an Air Hostess after they messed up his Happy Meal. The Hostess involved works for Qantas and is used to roudy passangers but she stated that "Mr Rudd is the worst person i have ever met." Rudd's Happy Meal was supposed to have a cheese burger with no pickles but the Hostess forgot to take the pickels out.

Australia's Prime Minister has a some what short temper, having thrown many well publiced hissy fits. One of these such hissy fits was on other plane when he yelled at a Hostess cause they messed up his food. Rudd has also screamed at people because he couldnt find his Hair Dryer.

Does Australia really want a Prime Minister who throws sads about a Happy Meal or a Hair Dryer? Kevin Rudd has turned out to be a huge embarressment to the Australian government and worse a huge let down to the public. We here by ask some one to make Rudd step down before we end up more of a joke then the 2000 Syndey Olympics.

Mr Rudd we have a new slogan for you, Kevin 07, What A Joke!

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