Thursday, July 2, 2009

England, The Next Nazi's

It has been revealed that England has a plan to become the new Germany. They have already started work on a new flag as shown. A source close to thoughs behind the change have leaked some infortmation one of which is that they plan to attack France and Poland at the same time. Poland is expected to be under British control 5 minutes after they attck, all it will take is a note saying"We are taking over I.O.U 5 divisions," Queen Elizebeth was unavailable for comment today so we could not get her opionion though the least favourite member of the Royal Family, Prince Charles said" what we do with our power is our own business and we expect people to follow," so it would seem like they are up to something, although we will have to wait to find out what it is.

I say we send the English a message and attack them now so that we can prevent the French from being attacked because we can not lose our supply of Crosaints, France is the main source of Crosaints. We can not allow this precious recources to be lost and we are able to keep our frog population due to the fact that we export them all to France. The last thing I have to say about the new British regime is that they may think they are Nazi's but all they are, are Bristish in need of dental care with pointy helmets.

Just try to imagine Feur Elizebeth, its hard to take seriously isnt it.

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