Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Next Great Pop Star

I recently discovered that George Clooney was the one behind Micheal Jacksons death. The motive behund the killing was that George Clooney has decided to become a pop star, George likes to be the best at everything even though he is a terrible actor and only gets by because he blackmails directors into allowing him a role in the films. The police have been trying for years to put George behind bars but he has an ability to weasel his way out of it but not now every single Micheal Jackosn fan is outraged and is demanding his head on a silver plater, although i personally would rather see him strapped in an electric chair and fried.

There is a special police division know as the G.C.C.D(George Clooney Crime Division). If you know of a crime he has commited or a crime he plans to commit call the G.C.C.P(George Clooney Crime Provention) 1800-66-436743(1800-No-George). It is important that we put this mad man behind bars as soon as we can. He is a danger to all civilized society and a growing problem in modern days.

There are many reasons to hate George Clooney but i will only mention a few. One such reason is that he always does the same move in his movies(head down, raises it a little then looks) another reason is that he is boring and well i must say not good to watch. The only thing worth watching involving George Clooney is the Batman he is in and an episode of American Dad. The last reason i will mention is that he is George Clooney.

There is one thing we can take solace in, the fact that he is Not Hugh Jackman.

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