Kevin Rudd has been causing uproar across the world, trying to get support to stop the United Nations plan to move Atlantis to China. He belives that it would cause even more pollution for China but let us here at The Public Infortmation Act reminde him that his hair dryer produces more pollution considering how many hours he spends in front of it. With China having no idea what is planned beacuse no one has told them they belive Rudd is causing trouble and are known to have told him to back his little lepracheun self away. Many countries agree with China and wish that Rudd would back off considering it is none of his business.
Now let me quickly remind you all of the situation around the finding of Atlantis. It was discovered right in the middle of London. Great Britian was planning to turn it into a giant community for drug users till the United Nations Intervened. The United Nations also had a plan, theirs was to turn it into a giant Meth lab so all drug users would flock there then they would move it to China to ruin their economy.
Rudd has recently decided to take the United Nations to court over the plan, though what amazes people is that China still doesn't know what is going on in the world. We will soon know what will happen and will keep you all up to date on the matter and hopefully we have seen the end of that little man's our cries.
15 years ago
= ] hehe