Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Urgent Notice, Atlantis has been found.

The Government of Great Britian today announced that they have discoverd the lost city of Atlantis. The location was announced five minutes ago, it is located right in the middle of London. I really don't know how no one ever found it i thought it would be bloody obvious a huge gaping city sitting right in the centre of London. The British have decided to destroy Atlantis and turn it into flats to put all there poor drug users away from public view. This decision has caused huge international backlash, with other countries wishing to store there drug users in Atlantis. The United Nations has since put forward an idea to the British Parliment, it suggests that Atlantis becomes a giant Meth lab to attract every single drug user in the world, once they are all inside they plan to lift it off the ground and put it right in the centre of China to stop them growing a stronger economy.

One country is against the United Nations plans. Japan has voiced out rage saying that not only will this plan put there Meth industry out of business but they will also not be the ones to destroy the Chinese people. Japan has since put forward an alternitive to the United Nations that the Japanese are the ones who produce the origanal Meth and the the lab and then also be the ones to move Atlantis to China.

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