Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Truth About Lupus

The World in American Eyes

Harry Potter Condoms

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Brock Obama Picks His Cabinet
Secretary of State: Misty
Secretary of Treasury: Psyduck
Secretary of Defence: Mewtwo
Attorney General: Charmander
Secretary of Interior: Ash
Secretary of Agriculture: Bulbasaur
Secretary of Commerce: Gary Oak
Secretary of Labour: Onix
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Mew
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Squirtle
Secretary of Transportation: Abra
Secretary of Energy: Pikachu
Secretary of Education: Professor Oak
Secretary of Veterans' Affairs: Kabutto
Secretary of Homeland Security: Deoxys
Friday, November 13, 2009
Dogs Playing Poker & Pool Must Be Stopped

The Truth of Phone Sex

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Barack Obama Steps Down

Dumbledore, Comes Out His Magical Closet

The Public Infortmation Act is now back.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
New MMORPG, Outside

New Swiss Army Knife

Friday, September 4, 2009
Grover Starts A Blog
We recently posted a blog about Grover looking for a job, well that is still true his blogging is just part time and he wants a full time jod. All those who find a job for Grover please contact us or him.
Grovers Blog is titled the Grover Chronicles, we wish him all the luck with his Blog and we would also like to inform you that not only will he help us with The Public Infortmation Act, but we will be helping him with the Grover Chronicles.
Go see Grovers Blog, grover-chronicles.blogspot.com
George Bush, A New Actor

The Joker Strikes Again

Police artists have already made a picture of what they think might of happened at one point during the murder. It is a well drawn picture showing a lot of detail about The Joker. Batman has failed to stop him so far and is reported to have given up after The Joker went to far by calling Batman fat and publicly humilated him by dropping Batmans pants. When Batman was today asked if he would go after The Joker, Batman said, "well no i will not, after all The Joker did what we all wanted to do and i am glad Curious George and his handler are gone," It would appear the Dark Knight is not going to be of any help.
For once we all applaud The Jokers acts but he will still be hunted and the $1,000,000 reward still stands for his capture, so all of you see if you can catch him and earn some more money.
Grover, The Jobless Puppet

Monday, August 31, 2009
Sheriff Rudd
Good luck Sheriff Rudd you will NOT be missed as the Australia Prime Minister and who knows you may become more popular now.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kevin Rudd's Outburst
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Nazi and Soviet Union at War, again

Australian of the Year 2009
He was nominated for putting up with Kermet the Frog for even more than a minute. Kermit the Frog has a record of being the most annoying person in the world even worse than Hi-5, Pokemon and George Bush. Swedish Chef deserves more than the Australian of the Year award, in our opinion he is in need of a knighting by Queen Elizebeth the second of England, plus more.
Congratulations Swedish Chef!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tooth Fairy, Caught at last
Friday, August 7, 2009
Antartica, The 7th State
Monday, August 3, 2009
Geneva Convention Updated.
Monday, July 27, 2009
iSlay, iPods new advertisment

Many famous people have already announced how much they like the iSlay campaign. Some of the people include Bill Clinton, Barack Obama(and since he has endoresed it we all know George Bush won't) and even Kevin Rudd. Many actors are also in favout including the wanted George Clooney, Hugh Jackman and more.
If the iSlay proves sucessful then it could lead to a lot more advertising campaigns that Apple have considered but thought against due too not wanting to offend people.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Mcdonalds Scandal
Ronald Mcdonald is also facing charges for trying to kill the current Pope so he could take over. Pope Benidict is not very happy about this but has never the less forgiven him. Though some people wish that Ronald was the new Pope, it would make things very interesting.
Mcdonald is also a street racer but hey that is pretty cool. This offense will be taken to the Petty Court. If we were to reveal all of Mcdonalds charges it would be one long list and he deserves to be awarded a medal for the number of laws he has broken.
We are all ashamed that Ronald Mcdonald has proven to be nothing more than a petty criminal, and he should be put away and Mcdonalads should be sold. If anyone else broke any 1 of the laws that he has broken they would have been put in jail faster than John Howard when confronted by an eyebrow waxer.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
George Bush, The Man Who Called WMD
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Homer Simpson Neglectful Father
Friday, July 17, 2009
Rudd's Outrage
Now let me quickly remind you all of the situation around the finding of Atlantis. It was discovered right in the middle of London. Great Britian was planning to turn it into a giant community for drug users till the United Nations Intervened. The United Nations also had a plan, theirs was to turn it into a giant Meth lab so all drug users would flock there then they would move it to China to ruin their economy.
Rudd has recently decided to take the United Nations to court over the plan, though what amazes people is that China still doesn't know what is going on in the world. We will soon know what will happen and will keep you all up to date on the matter and hopefully we have seen the end of that little man's our cries.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Real Boy From Oz
When Hugh Jackman first started acting people thought he would be a good actor, but oh how wrong they were. As shown in the above picture Jackman likes to dress like a poof. Jackmans acting has caused many debates since his first film. He is known to have tried a lot of ways to get Heath Ledgers part in Brokeback Mountion, although without sucsess. He is famous for playing a man with claws, homosexual tendancy's, savagness and retarded Wolverine.
A petition is currently being passed around Australia, it asks all Australians to sign in order for the country to banish Jackman from Australia and take away his citizenship. A few people me included feel that the petition is not enough and wish for capital punishment to be brought back in.
Hugh Jackman i am speaking directly to you now, you have caused so many people deep emotional anguish and i therefore put forward a request for you to quit acting, move to Mexico and leave every one alone once and for all.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Urgent Notice, Atlantis has been found.
One country is against the United Nations plans. Japan has voiced out rage saying that not only will this plan put there Meth industry out of business but they will also not be the ones to destroy the Chinese people. Japan has since put forward an alternitive to the United Nations that the Japanese are the ones who produce the origanal Meth and the the lab and then also be the ones to move Atlantis to China.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Kevin Rudd, A Evil Dictator

Kevin Rudd is a menace on our society and must be controlled, because of his ignorance and refusal to suck up to America, Australia is starting to become a third world counrty. He is causing us to be almost as bad as the French and lets face it who would want to be French, even the French don't want to be French. The reason know one has bothered to remove him from office is that well who has the time to go and see him and then tell him that he is sacked as Prime Minister although if we had the time we would sack him.

The Next Great Pop Star
There is a special police division know as the G.C.C.D(George Clooney Crime Division). If you know of a crime he has commited or a crime he plans to commit call the G.C.C.P(George Clooney Crime Provention) 1800-66-436743(1800-No-George). It is important that we put this mad man behind bars as soon as we can. He is a danger to all civilized society and a growing problem in modern days.
There are many reasons to hate George Clooney but i will only mention a few. One such reason is that he always does the same move in his movies(head down, raises it a little then looks) another reason is that he is boring and well i must say not good to watch. The only thing worth watching involving George Clooney is the Batman he is in and an episode of American Dad. The last reason i will mention is that he is George Clooney.
There is one thing we can take solace in, the fact that he is Not Hugh Jackman.
England, The Next Nazi's

I say we send the English a message and attack them now so that we can prevent the French from being attacked because we can not lose our supply of Crosaints, France is the main source of Crosaints. We can not allow this precious recources to be lost and we are able to keep our frog population due to the fact that we export them all to France. The last thing I have to say about the new British regime is that they may think they are Nazi's but all they are, are Bristish in need of dental care with pointy helmets.
Just try to imagine Feur Elizebeth, its hard to take seriously isnt it.